Covid protection for Cambridge factory
Published: 25 May, 2021
Soluva Air W air disinfection units are helping to provide protection from Covid-19 for employees of HERAEUS NOBLELIGHT at its factory on the Cambridge Science Park. The units have been installed in the company's office and works canteens and, complemented by the observation of social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing, they now make the working environment even safer. The Cambridge facility employs over 100 people manufacturing photonics-based solutions.
Soluva Air W devices destroy the corona virus, its mutations, and additional viruses (including cold and ‘flu pathogens) by utilising UV-C light. UV-C light easily inactivates the SARS-Cov-2 virus and its mutations
The Heraeus Soluva family of UV products provides air-disinfection in modules, which can be ceiling-or wall-mounted or fitted within ventilation and air-conditioning systems for rooms or laboratories.
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t: 07464546006
e: Martin Taylor - m.taylor@heraeus.com