Fatigue and human error: a financial risk to business
Published: 04 April, 2019
SAFESTART INTERNATIONAL, a leading safety training programme, is inviting companies to attend its latest discovery workshop. The event will take place in Leeds, The Queen’s Hotel, on the 14th May. Register free here.
Created for health and safety leaders, operations and HR Managers, the workshop is intended to address key workplace safety issues including human error, lack of employee engagement, fatigue and the perceived conflicts between production and safety. These “common safety pain points” are issues that every manager encounters, with fatigue costing the UK £115 - £240 million per year in terms of work accidents alone.
The company says the event will leave attendees with a clear understanding of how SafeStart awards people the skills and awareness to avoid making unintentional mistakes that lead to injury. The initiative is designed to help companies move beyond compliance and beyond the workplace to improve employee engagement.
Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provded by the company