Traceable humidity calibrations

Published:  23 June, 2016

Michell_Instruments.jpgMICHELL INSTRUMENTS says the HygroCal100 is a lightweight, portable humidity verifier, which uses its reliable internal polymer reference to provide automatic verifications of the accuracy of RH probes. However the HygroCal100 interface enables users to assign any hygrometer with an analogue output as a reference device – such as a chilled mirror hygrometer.

This allows the unit to be used to perform full calibrations of humidity probes, which are traceable to the reference used.

Michell says the ability to perform traceable humidity calibrations in-house gives users of large numbers of humidity probes more control over their processes and maintenance programme and the benefits of this include less process downtime as well as reduced costs since fewer probes will be sent to external calibration laboratories.

t: 01353 658000



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