Industry leader calls for comprehensive skills revolution following PM’s apprenticeship announcement
Published: 20 March, 2024
In response to the Prime Minister’s recent announcement regarding Apprenticeships, Stephen Phipson, CEO of Make UK, expressed industry’s appreciation for the emphasis placed on apprenticeships, recognising them as integral to the vitality of numerous companies.
Phipson highlighted the need to capitalise on this momentum by initiating a comprehensive skills revolution, emphasising the importance of employer-driven reforms of the Apprentice Levy and a thorough review of the vocational skills system within a broader, long-term industrial strategy. He stressed the significance of a national commitment to ensure that both the current and future workforce are equipped with the requisite digital skills essential for the evolving job landscape.
Moreover, Phipson underscored the necessity for the educational system to play a pivotal role in nurturing a continuous stream of talent, essential for sustaining the growth trajectory of the manufacturing sector.
In essence, Phipson’s remarks underscore a call for collaborative efforts across sectors to address the evolving needs of the workforce and to fortify the foundations necessary for sustained industrial growth.