Investment boosts cleanroom capabilities
Published: 19 January, 2023
WILLIAM HUGHES, a specialist manufacturer of springs and wire components, has announced it has enhanced the capabilities of its 80 m2 Class 7 cleanroom with its investment in a digitally controlled Ultrawave Neon 60 Ultrasonic Cleaning System.
The new Neon machine, which is Class I Medical Devices compliant to MDR (EU) 2017/745, compliments existing assets and capabilities in the ISO 14644-1 accredited cleanroom, which include further solvent and aqueous cleaning systems, a UV-inspection dark room and various cleaning verification systems, including filtration studies, NVR testing and microanalysis.
As well as being used internally, the cleanroom is offered as an advanced subcontract facility. It is being regularly utilised by leading manufacturers in the aerospace, medical and hydraulics industries, where it is used for the cleaning and packing of small batch, precision-machined and fabricated parts.
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