Switch on and start welding
Published: 07 November, 2022
Leister’s new thermoplastic membrane welders are designed to be so easy to operate that both novices and professionals can produce a perfect weld seam with little introduction or practice. The TWINNY T5 and T7 are digitally controlled with easy-to-operate displays and intuitive user controls. The TWINNY T7 comes equipped with the Leister Quality System (LQS), GPS and WiFi, allowing all welding parameters to be easily stored, shared and recalled, making it possible to carry out flawless and repeatable welds from the start. Simply download the myLeister app to a smartphone or tablet, add your TWINNY T7 and away you go.
Developed by Leister, the TWINNY T5 and TWINNY T7 are supplied to the UK by WELWYN TOOL GROUP. Welwyn can supply the full range of Leister plastic welding and industrial process heat equipment.
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