Hart storms ahead with new Speedor variant
Published: 06 September, 2022
Hart Door Systems, the original British manufacturer of the high-speed door concept, is stream-lining its Speedor range with the introduction Speedor ECO which will complement Hart’s very successful Speedor Storm, Speedor Mini and sub brands such as Speedor Conveyor and Speedor Cleanroom, further strengthening Hart’s overall high-speed door offer.
Hart’s chairman, Doug Hart, explains that the new Speedor ECO is a new mid-range variant suitable for external use up to Class 3 and available up to 5m x 5m size whereas the Speedor Mini is for internal use only to a maximum 4m x 4m size. The focus with these two Speedor options is on lower price and high-speed doors that can be tailored to meet clients’ budgets.
Mr Hart says: “The new Speedor ECO is a mid-priced high-speed door variant with state of the art direct drives and controls which are BSEN safety compliant. ECO offers single or variable speed motor, heavy fabric and hand chain operation if necessary. This adds to ECO’s safe operation, reliability and ruggedness.
“Without doubt there is demand for a mid-priced high-speed door variant such as ECO and given our considerable experience, we are the ones to deliver it,” he adds. “ECO will appeal to companies requiring a high-speed door solution but within a tight budget. It is for frequent use, high traffic situations where low maintenance is a priority.
“In all cases across our range of brands, we comply with the new code of practice announced by the DHF Door Hardware Federation and we are ever mindful of post installation maintenance costs. So while Mini and ECO cater for less demanding environments, Speedor Storm’s increasing success is based on its improved, rugged, design predominately for external use up to 8m x 6m/6m x 8m) often in robust operating conditions with high wind loads.
“We have always had quality as our prime driver and our success with new variants, not just in high-speed doors but shutters such as our new Typhoon range, the fundamentals are quality throughout manufacture to installation and service to comply with changing national and international safety standards.
“We are also cognisant of Climate Change issues and the need to keep both Hart’s and our clients carbon footprints to a minimum by using the latest manufacturing technology to streamline the manufacturing process. Where possible we would use recyclable materials.”
Hart Door Systems, now in its 75th year, is a global business supplying a range of door and shutter systems to sectors such as automotive, agriculture, communications, consumer foods, energy, environment, exports, food, logistics, manufacturing, power, sport, transport and utilities.
t: 0191 214 0404
e: sales@hartdoors.com

A test rig for Hart’s Speedor ECO