Metrel warehouse manager, Alex Biddiscombe can fulfil multi-function testers on next-day delivery
Is it luck or good judgement?
Published: 27 September, 2021
"Business, as we all recover from the Covid chaos, is difficult." says Brendan Beaver, UK manager of METREL, the innovative electrical solutions provider.
"Planning work is more a lottery than ever, while supplies and deliveries cannot be reliably scheduled apparently due to the aftermath of Covid, the lack of drivers and for some, a fire at a key supplier."
"It is even harder when the company is going through the unprecedented growth we are experiencing. But excuses are no use to customers who need their new test equipment now to earn their bread. Fortunately Metrel stocks are good, our channels are well primed, and we can fulfil your needs today."
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t: 01924 245000
e: brendan.beaver@metrel.co.uk