Electrostatically recovering copper wire
Published: 02 November, 2020
A combination of an ElectroStatic Separator and a Metal Separation Module is enabling the recovery of fine copper and other metals from a waste product at a UK metal recycling company.
BUNTING is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of magnetic separators, eddy current separators and electrostatic separators for the recycling and waste industries. The Bunting European manufacturing and product testing facilities are in Redditch and Berkhamsted.
The Bunting ElectroStatic Separator, launched earlier in 2020, significantly enhances the ability of companies to recover fine metals such as copper wire. In this project, the feed material is fine material from air-extraction post-shredding; a mix normally classified as waste despite the valuable metal content. Previous attempts to recover the metal constituent, including fine copper wire, had been unsuccessful.
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e: press@buntingeurope.com
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