Effective factory cooling

Published:  27 February, 2020

ECOCOOLING reports it has  provided a leading furniture manufacturer with effective factory cooling.

Heating, ventilation and cooling play a crucial role within manufacturing facilities, however, getting it right can be difficult and costly due to the open nature of these sites.

When facing these challenges at its PortalMill site, Herman Miller was looking for a solution that would keep areas prone to overheating cool whilst being cost effective and environmentally friendly. This led Herman Miller away from traditional air conditioning and towards an alternative cooling solution.

Herman Miller selected EcoCooling’s UK manufactured evaporative cooling units. The EcoCooler was selected because it is more cost effective and energy efficient than other comparable solutions and is proven to work in similar industrial spaces. Click here for the full release.

w: www.ecocooling.co.uk/applications/industrialevaporativecooling

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