Infra-red toasting
Published: 27 February, 2019
A purpose-built infra-red heating system from HERAEUS NOBLELIGHT, is being used by Edrington, the premium spirits company, to assist in regenerating casks. This is achieved by replacing the existing ends of refill casks with new toasted ends toasted in the Hereaus Infra-red toaster.
Edrington is an international spirits company whose brands include The Macallan, Highland Park and The Glenrothes single malt Scotch whiskies, The Famous Grouse blended Scotch and Brugal Rum.
Successful extensive trials at Heraeus's Neston Applications Centre established that infra-red would satisfy the end toasting requirement and consequently, an 80.4kW carbon medium wave oven was installed at Edrington's Muirhall Cooperage site. The heating zone of the oven can accommodate two cask ends and is fitted with an optical pyrometer.
t: 0151 353 2710
e: ian.bartley@heraeus.com
Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company