Pressure on water leaks
Published: 15 February, 2019
ABB reports it has launched a Lunch ‘n’ Learn training session that shows how water companies can use variable speed drives (VSDs) to make dramatic improvements in their leakage rates.
Topics covered include: how VSDs tackle common causes of leakage including elevated supply pressures and water hammer; the role of inbuilt VSD smart functions; the increasing use of cloud-based monitoring techniques in leakage prevention strategies; and how one ABB customer is set to save £4.5 million on repairs and energy costs by 2021 by using VSDs to maintain correct water pressure.
The 45-minute session, reducing leakage through the use of variable speed drives, is free to attend and can be delivered at customer premises or an ABB facility.
For more information or to book training, email energy@gb.abb.co.uk or use the online booking form at www.new.abb.com/uk/campaigns/energy-productivity/lnlbookings.
Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company