High pressure coolant efficiency
Published: 06 December, 2018
Hydra-Cell High Pressure Coolant Pumps from WANNER are claimed to be the most energy efficient, machine tool coolant pumps available, measured at upwards of 80%, pump shaft to hydraulic power.
The company says being true positive displacement pumps, they maintain this exceptional efficiency virtually irrespective of coolant viscosity and system pressure whereas screw and gear pumps, that rely on the pumped coolant for internal sealing, suffer a marked fall-off in efficiency as system pressure increases or fluid viscosity is reduced.
With a Hydra-Cell pump, flow rate is directly proportional to input shaft speed, enabling a variety of accurate control options to be employed. Of great benefit in metalworking is said to be Hydra-Cell’s ability to handle fines entrained in the coolant.
W: www.hydra-cell.eu/machinetool
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