Prime Minister, Theresa May, has reiterated her support for the steel sector in Wales. Gareth Stace, director of UK Steel, commented: “This indication of support for the steel sector in Wales is extremely encouraging and ministers need to ensure it is broadened to the entire sector. The UK steel industry is the very foundation of great swathes of the UK economy and we look forward to seeing positive steps taken to tackle head on the issues affecting our industry and to seize opportunities to ensure the very survival of the British steel sector.
He commented that there now seems to be a firm desire to focus on industry, adding that he looked forward to this translating into strong action to address the costs that British steel makers face, that overseas competitors don’t, such as higher energy costs and Business Rates: “The Government must also ensure that major infrastructure projects are set in motion, in short order, and that steel made in the UK is used to the full in these great British projects.”
Stace says the key to this is having a fully-fledged industrial strategy: “The newly created Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has been given all the right tools by the Prime Minister to do the job. Government, industry and Trade Unions have the opportunity to work together to inject a large dose of competitiveness into the UK steel sector. It’s vital that we get our sector fully charged and fighting fit – this will allow us to step up and play our role in supporting the UK economy once the Government successfully negotiates access to the single market and strong trade deals with the rest of the World.”