New instrument finance packages
Published: 08 July, 2011
Instrumentation specialist Ashtead Technology has launched a new range of commercial packages at MCERTS 2011 - the dedicated air monitoring event - created to both expand the availability of the latest technology and to reduce costs.
Visitors to MCERTS 2011 were introduced to new financial packages, which help to spread the cost of either renting or purchasing advanced environmental monitoring instrumentation.
The new schemes include the ‘Perpetual Rental Program’ (PRP) and the ‘Rent To Own’ (RTO). These schemes can be applied to a selection of popular instruments including the Horiba PG250 and the Testo 350 portable emissions analyser.
Summarising the event, Ashtead Technology’s general manager Alan Hasson said: “MCERTS 2011 was highly successful for us. We stock the most popular emissions monitoring and gas detection products and we received several new business leads. Our overall aim is to put the right instruments into the hands of those that need them and with our financial packages we are able to meet customers’ differing needs."
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