ATEX approved bund water control unit

Published:  14 October, 2010

Darcy Spillcare Manufacture has introduced a bund water control unit dewatering system into the marketplace that is completely intrinsically safe and ATEX Approved. This product forms part of the wide range of technical products developed by the company to help prevent environmental liability, prosecution and negative publicity providing businesses with environmental peace of mind. Bund Water Control Units assist companies in meeting environmental regulations including ISO 14001, PPG8: Safe Storage and disposal of used oils, PPG2: Above Ground Oil Storage Tanks and the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. A large fuel distribution company distributing throughout Ireland was faced with the task of operating multiple sites from one central office. A common challenge this company encountered, says Darcy, was the removal of the rainwater from the bund areas surrounding the tank farms. Due to the high level of rainfall in Ireland, these watertight bund areas would collect large volumes of rainwater reducing the bunds ability to contain at least 110% of the tank’s maximum capacity. Removal of this rainwater proved to be costly especially as some sites are very remote requiring long distance travel for pump out companies. Disposal rates were based on hazardous waste even though the majority of the content was rainwater thus increasing costs significantly. Darcy Spillcare Manufacture was commissioned to supply six Bund Water Control Units at six of the most affected sites throughout Ireland. The bund water control units had to be intrinsically safe (ATEX approved) for use in hazardous zones and fully integratable into the company’s existing operating system. Six units were installed at various sites throughout Ireland and have the capability to constantly monitor the rainwater collected within the bund, automatically pumping it out to the on-site interceptor as the levels rise. The system also has in-built oil detection technology that will shut down the pumping operation and send an alarm signal to an authorised person should there be a tank failure or spill of stored product. As a result of installing these bund water control units the company says it now has peace of mind that these remote depots are safer and meet environmental regulations. They no longer have to be faced with the prospect of pumping out and disposing of thousands of litres of rainwater at hazardous waste rates – this waste management cost saving alone is forecast to provide a company with a return on investment within six months of installation. They will also be alerted immediately should there be an unusually high amount of oil present within the bund area. The bund will also be constantly maintaining 110% of the tank’s capacity preventing the risk of a spill spread, which again should bring peace of mind for the company. For further information please visit:

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