EngineeringUK comments on GCSE results

Published:  28 August, 2024

The uptick  in GCSE computer science is 'great news' but there are concerns over the uptake of D&T GCSE which is important for stem careeers

Becca Gooch, Head of Research at EngineeringUK commented: “Congratulations to everyone receiving their GCSE results today.

“EngineeringUK is a charity that wants to see more young people from all backgrounds progressing into engineering and technology and today’s results provide some encouraging signs. Entries to Computing are up by 5.8% (compared to overall growth in entries of 4.8%). This is driven by an increase of 10.3% in the number of girls taking the subject. On the flip side, while entries to Design and Technology have increased, at 2%, this represents a smaller increase than overall entries and is part of a longer-term decline in uptake of the subject. Entries have more than halved since 2016 - from 185,279 to 88,607 in 2024.

“We know that students are motivated by opportunities for practical science but that these opportunities have almost halved since 2016. D&T provides students with contextualised, hands-on learning opportunities and is an important subject for future STEM careers.

“There’s more to be done to ensure more students from all backgrounds take Computing, D&T and other STEM subjects at the greater levels required if the UK’s need for a skilled workforce to meet net zero targets is to be met.”

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