Over 700 million people to use AI tools by 2030
Published: 09 April, 2024
According to data presented by AltIndex.com, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to double and hit over 700 million users by 2030.
According to a Statista survey, the global AI industry has more than doubled in just three years, reaching a value of $241 billion in 2023. This figure is expected to jump by 26% year-over-year and hit $305 billion in 2024. By 2030, the entire market is forecasted to hit almost a $740 billion value, three times more than last year. The main reason behind such impressive growth is the surging interest in AI tools, both in the private and public sectors.
From healthcare and retail to manufacturing, stock trading, and social media, companies continue adopting AI solutions to gain a competitive edge and improve their efficiency, decision-making, and user experience. This has helped the total number of users in the AI landscape reach record highs.
Back in 2020, the global AI market counted roughly 115 million users. With businesses and users worldwide embracing AI technologies and solutions, this figure jumped to 155 million in 2021 and continued rising. Statistics show the AI market continued adding between 50 and 60 million users per year, with the total user count reaching 255 million in 2023.
Statista expects user growth to speed up in the following years, with the market adding more than 70 million users annually. The surging demand for automation and optimisation across industries, the increasing use of AI in consumer-facing applications, and growing investments in AI research and development will help AI market reach 725 million users by 2030, or almost half a billion more than last year.
The Statista survey also gave an interesting insight into which countries have the most AI users. Statistics show one-third of all users in 2030 will come from the United States, the world's largest AI market. By 2030, the US market is expected to count 241 million users, up from 112 million this year.
China has a 10% share in total AI user count. In 2024, around 30 million Chinese will use AI tools. This figure is expected to hit 75 million in the next six years. Germany ranked as the third-largest market, with 52.5 million AI users by 2030, up from 23 million this year. The United Kingdom and Japan follow with a 5% market share and 35 million and 31 million users by 2030, respectively. Statistics show nearly 60% of all AI users in 2030 will come from these five countries.