Offline filtration unit series
Published: 05 December, 2022
RMF SYSTEMS, a subsidiary of Des-Case Corporate, a global manufacturer of specialty filtration products that can improve equipment reliability and extend lubricant life, has extended its product portfolio with ATEX zone II certified Offline filtration unit series.
The unit offers best in class kidney loop filtration in combination with an ATEX zone II certification. The AZ2-OLU series comes in 4 sizes covering oil volumes up to 5400 litres. The unit utilises industry known RMF Systems high efficiency radial depth filter elements or RMF Systems glass fibre filter elements for filtration of solid contamination, free & dissolved water, and delay of acid, varnish, and sludge formation. In addition, the AZ2-OLU series contributes to less CO2 emissions by prolonging fluid lifetime and extending the time between oil changes.
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