Primary Engineer to exhibit at COP26
Published: 01 November, 2021
Primary Engineer has announced that it will be attending COP26 as an exhibitor alongside Scottish Engineering and The International Network of Women Engineers & Scientists (INWES) in the Green Zone on the 7th November and as part of the INWES STEM and the climate presentation on the same day.
Susan Scurlock MBE said ‘to be part of COP26 in Glasgow is a huge honour and we are delighted to have this opportunity to showcase the work of the children, pupils, teachers, students and engineers who have taken part in our programmes.’
The Flat Pack Wind Turbine for Refugee Camps will be on the stand to highlight the remarkable ideas young people in problem solving and the work of our university partners in realising them. We will also be showcasing our STATWARRIORS from the STATWARS Climate Change Challenge have used data to identify what three things they will commit to changing in their daily lives.
We are proud to be showcasing the work of young people across the UK who have taken part in ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ Leaders Award competition, the University ProtoTeams that have realised their ideas, and pupils from the STATWARS: Climate Change Challenge linked to the amazing organisations and companies that have and are supporting our work. We will have on the stand in the Green Zone the Flat Pack Wind Turbine and video of our STATWARS: Climate Change Challenge STATWARRIORS in full flow describing the three things they will commit to changing.