Make UK launches Covid 19 Management Training & Planning Programme
Published: 26 May, 2020
Make UK, the manufacturers’ organisation has launched a new course to help employers return to work safely and, going forward, manage their workforce and workplace in a safe and effective manner to deal with the threat of the virus.
The Covid 19 Management Training Programme is an online learning course which takes participants through a series of five modules designed to help them understand how the virus works and how to take the appropriate practical actions to protect their workforce and operate in an effective way with timely and strategic interventions, these are:
• Introduction, includes the impact of COVID-19, understanding viruses, symptoms, how it is spread, destroyed and risk factors
• Chain of Infection, how to apply to COVID-19 so that you know where the virus’s weak links are in its route from infected person to a susceptible individual
• How to undertake COVID-19 risk assessment
• Key controls, social distancing and cleaning
• Workforce management, information cycle, monitoring, PPE and inbound goods
This is followed by a section on the legal implications for employers and managers including sections on inspections and Covid 19 related legislation.
The course also includes practical Make UK guidance including a Risk Assessment template, as well as risk assessment criteria for start up and a recovery support production and operations list. A wide range of external resources are also provided ranging from official Government, World Health Organisation and Health & Safety Executive guidance to practical information on how to effectively operate with PPE.
Commenting, Andrew Ward, Make UK director of health, safety & sustainability said:
“Covid 19 has presented employers and managers with a new and unique set of challenges in how to operate safely and protect their workforces. As well as the very practical steps in managing workplaces before and during return to work, moving forward it is vital that companies encourage their staff to be proactive in taking steps to look after and support each other.
"This course will help manufacturers in particular do that with actions they can take in a timely, effective and strategic manner. We will be following this programme up with an additional module aimed at workers in a manufacturing environment. Our aim is to make sure that manufacturers have created a culture of confidence in which to move forward"
Access to book the course is through the link below
As the pandemic progresses and scientific knowledge increases, there will be refresher courses made available.