Protect your gas booster

Published:  31 October, 2019

SECOMAK suggests that for vendors and owners of a gas booster, now is the time to inspect it to ensure it operates effectively through the winter months.

Back in 1969, Secomak worked alongside British Gas to design and manufacture the first gas booster. It also sat on the board of directors to define the British Standards as they are today.

The latest British Standards BS8487:2007 & 2013 recommend:

• Drive Belts replace every year

• Bearing Assemblies replace every five years

• Flexible Connectors replace every five years

Secomak says whilst a component may appear in good working order, it pays to replace these serviceable parts on time, to reduce the risk of downtime.

t| 020 8732 1300



Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company

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