IMHX to showcase the latest technological developments
Published: 13 September, 2019
With more than 400 companies anticipated to demonstrate the latest technological developments that are shaping the modern logistics industry, IMHX 2019 (NEC, Birmingham, 24-27 September 2019) is set to be the biggest event in the long running IMHX series of materials handling exhibitions to date. PWE reports.
Dematic, Swisslog, Knapp, Vanderlande, Toyota, Crown, Combilift, Doosan and Hyster-Yale are among the high profile exhibitors participating in the event, which will occupy some 376,000ft2 of exhibition space spread across 4 halls of the National Exhibition Centre.
IMHX 2019 exhibition director, Rob Fisher, comments: “Brexit has put supply chain issues at the top of every company’s agenda. It is forecast that in post-Brexit Britain businesses will have little choice but to hold more stock closer to the point-of-consumption and this means new storage sites will need to be built and existing units adapted where necessary to ensure that storage space is optimised.”
He continued: “This will require investment in new equipment and systems so there is every reason for the companies that manufacture and supply these products to be optimistic. This optimism is reflected in the high number of suppliers of intralogistics products and services that have committed to exhibit at IMHX 2019.”
“Even the post-Brexit labour shortage that is widely expected, is a compelling reason for visiting the show as a host of automated systems technology designed to make DC operations less labour intensive will be on display.”
Technology will feature strongly at IMHX 2019 and a Technology Demonstration Zone will be supported by AMHSA – the Automated Materials Handling Systems Association.
AMHSA secretary, Dave Berridge, commented: “As the leading authority on logistics automation, AMHSA is delighted to have been chosen to support this new feature area at IMHX 2019.
“We will be demonstrating how e-commerce and other market developments have driven the evolution of technologies used in our industry to cope with pressures being applied to supply chains.“
AMHSA will be providing an interactive feature that explains picking technological developments. Our ‘Picking Through The Ages’ exhibition will demonstrate how automation brings speed and accuracy to the picking operation delivering customer satisfaction and AMHSA experts will be on hand to explain different picking technologies and provide professional advice on all aspects of logistics automation.”
Rob Fisher added: “Distribution and fulfilment centres will look very different in the near future and IMHX 2019 will reflect this.”IMHX 2019 visitor registration is now open at“
He continued: “With a £1 trillion turnover the logistics industry is of critical importance to the UK economy, contributing over £124 billion Gross Value Added. But, businesses will need to invest in more robust and intelligent logistics infrastructure if they wish to meet the future demands of their customers and consumers.”
“IMHX 2019 will focus on creating business connections for our exhibitors and visitors that will last into the new decade as we enter the roaring 2020’s!”
IMHX 2019 takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, on 24th-27th September 2019.
For further information please visit:
Skills Zone
The exciting career opportunities available to graduates and school leavers within the logistics and supply chain sectors will also be highlighted by a dedicated Skills Zone at the forthcoming International Materials Handling Exhibition.
The Skills Zone will provide an opportunity for young people to participate in a range of interactive features that demonstrate the diverse career options that logistics offers.
It is being delivered in partnership with The Big Bang Near Me - organiser of a programme of UK-wide events designed to encourage students to become interested in science, technology and engineering and Think Logistics - a sector-led initiative that aims to redefine the image of working in logistics.
Rob Fisher, IMHX 2019 Event Director, commented: “The Skills Zone at IMHX 2019 will bridge the gap between young people looking for a rewarding career and logistics companies seeking talented individuals capable of moving the profession forward.”
"We know that there is a demographic time bomb in the logistics sector, so attracting talent into logistics is essential for the long-term prosperity of the sector.”
The Skills Zone, delivered by Big Bang Near Me and Think Logistics, is supported by a number of key stakeholders, including the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), NOVUS and the British Industrial Truck Association (BITA).
Bethany Fovargue, operations Mmnager at NOVUS, said: “The logistics sector employs a total of 2.35 million people in the UK, either directly or indirectly. That’s a huge number, accounting for nearly 8% of the UK workforce. With demand on the logistics sector forecast to grow significantly in the coming years, employers need to have the best talent on board. That is proving quite a challenge.
“The transport, logistics and supply chain sectors need ever-increasing and changing skills to keep Britain moving. The IMHX 2019 Skills Zone will aim to show young people just how attractive supply chain operations can be and, by doing so, encourage them to consider embarking on a career in the sector.”
Andy Kaye, chair of the NOVUS and chief executive of Bis Henderson, commented: “One of the main reasons why not enough young people consider a career in logistics is perception. If you look at how the profession is perceived, particularly by young people, it is seen as quite industrial and poorly paid, as well as unskilled. Young people believe that working in logistics will only involve wearing high visibility jackets, protective boots, or driving a lorry!
“Logistics isn’t just about driving – there’s a long list of roles that are essential to the supply chain, such as materials planning, production, transport management, purchasing and operational management. As a sector, we need to re-educate this generation on the vast, fulfilling logistics careers that are out there. “As the leading event serving the sector, IMHX has an important role to play in helping employers connect with the country’s most talented graduates and school leavers and the IMHX 2019 Skills Zone has been set up to help with this re-education programme.”