CMMS installed to improve maintenance processes
Published: 20 August, 2019
Spidex Software has announced that IMI Truflo Marine has selected Mainsaver CMMS to support improved maintenance management processes at its factory in Birmingham, UK. PWE reports.
Maintenance planning and scheduling at the IMI Truflo Marine Birmingham plant, which manufactures high-integrity critical parts used in the nuclear power and naval defence sectors,
were previously managed using spreadsheets, but year-on-year doubling of manufacturing output in recent times led to a re-evaluation of these processes.
Many of the engineers newly recruited during the period of expansion had prior experience of using maintenance management software and so, as HSE & facilities manager Tony Maxwell recalls, “it was an obvious decision for us to look at putting a CMMS in place ourselves”.
Several competing CMMS suppliers were evaluated, but three key factors led to Mainsaver’s eventual selection: “We wanted something that our maintenance users could buy into quickly, and the simplicity of data entry in Spidex’s system impressed us,” says Maxwell. “Secondly, the Spidex reports dashboards with which to track and measure key performance indicators were also felt to be very important.
“Finally, the implementation methodology from Spidex involves actively coming to site and working with us in the factory, where the relationship can develop into a long-term strategic partnership. Some of the other providers only offered remote software installation and online training, with little personal interaction.”
The implementation of Mainsaver - a total CMMS solution within an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) framework, and includes tools to help manage the complexities of modern maintenance operations - has already begun and one of the project’s principal objectives will be to improve plant availability. Maxwell explained: “We had instances in the past where an older machine might be unavailable for extended periods because of the scarcity of replacement parts. With Mainsaver in place we should be able to prepare for those eventualities, by analysing where the recurring problems are, logging the consequent downtime and assessing the cost of repair.
“Ultimately if a piece of equipment needs to be replaced, the CMMS will provide accurate, reliable data with which to make the investment case.”
In addition to the core Mainsaver functions, the project will also introduce the Spidex Dynamic Risk Assessment module, which enables maintenance engineers to carry out pre-task safety checks and, following completion of the work order, formalises the process of handover back to Production.
Spidex managing director Jonathan Starling concluded: “IMI Truflo Marine has an outstanding global reputation and we are delighted to be working with them. Mainsaver CMMS is helping to fortify a manufacturing environment which produces components renowned for their integrity and reliability.”