MTC signs strategic partnership with Irish Manufacturing Research
Published: 14 August, 2019
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) has signed a strategic partnership with Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR). The Anglo-Irish link-up aims to increase research, technology and skills transfers between the UK and Ireland.
The partnership aims to strengthen the ties between the two research centres and promote mutual understanding between engineering and manufacturing research in the UK and Ireland.
Mullingar-based IMR is an independent research and technology organisation employing more than 80 highly-skilled researchers. It aims to position Ireland as a global leader in advanced manufacturing.
MTC chief executive Dr Clive Hickman said the link-up would be beneficial for industry in both countries: "At a time when there is some uncertainty surrounding the future of the UK's international relationships, I see the formalising of our relationship with IMR as an important step in ensuring that our respective economies can continue to compete on the world stage when it comes to our manufacturing industries.”
He added: "The exchange of knowledge, information and experiences between UK and Irish institutions, departments, researchers and companies can only benefit both nations, and I look forward to pooling knowledge and capability on areas of mutual interest. By working together we can add real value to our areas of research and development and our projects to help our respective industries manage their digital transformation and the introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes."
IMR chairman Dr Will Barton OBE said: "This strategic partnership is of significant importance to IMR. We intend to work with the MTC on research fields which are of mutual interest including digital transformation and additive manufacturing, and training and education to support innovation in these areas. We also look forward to working with the MTC in joint research projects on a bilateral and international level."
Image caption: Ambassador Adrian O'Neill, Ambassador of Ireland to the United Kingdom, IMR chairman Dr Will Barton OBE, Dr Clive Hickman, chief executive of the MTC and the British Ambassador to Ireland, Robin Barnett CMG.