Long term corrosion prevention
Published: 28 June, 2019
The old Central Bank Building in Dame Street, Dublin, is currently being redeveloped and WINN & COALES (DENSO) has announced it is supplying corrosion prevention coatings for major structural sections and also an outer wrap prior to fire protection.
The building was originally constructed in the 1970's and the design was based on suspending each floor from two large concrete cores. Each floor level was then constructed at ground level and hoisted into place and then supported by Macalloy tension bars.
DBFL Consulting Engineers in discussion with Winn & Coales decided to remove the existing wrap and apply Denso Tape™ to 2500m of 40mm Macalloy bars, thus providing long term corrosion prevention. Denso Self Adhesive PVC Tape™ was then used as an outer wrap before fire protection and cladding was applied.
t: 020 8670 7511
e: mail@denso.net
Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company