Temperature profiling in vacuum processes
Published: 20 June, 2019
At the SVTM vacuum technologies and materials treatment exhibition (Stand 96), FLUKE PROCESS INSTRUMENTS says it will present powerful temperature profiling systems based on robust Datapaq TP3 data loggers. Featuring up to 20 thermocouple channels and an outstanding 3.6 million data points memory, the loggers perform up to 10 consecutive measurement runs.
The systems are application-tailored for all kinds of heat treatment processes in primary and secondary metals production, including vacuum brazing, aluminum solution reheat, and water or gas quenching. The measured temperature range is -100…1370 °C with a ±0.3 °C accuracy. Datapaq TP3 data loggers can be pre-configured for mixed thermocouple types. They enable temperature uniformity surveys (TUS) and in-process product temperature monitoring.
The Datapaq Insight analysis software includes comprehensive reporting functions. Users can easily customise reports and generate CQI-9, AMS 2750E, and ISO9000-compliant reports.
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e: marcom1.emea@flukeprocessinstruments.de
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