ET-Link certification software
Published: 30 April, 2019
MARTINDALE says with the 18th Edition now fully in force, using its ET-Link certification software is a great way to stay up to date with the latest certificate changes.
The company says the updated PC software includes the new 18th Edition certificates which can be either auto filled from test results saved on-site using the ET4500 multifunction tester or entered manually.
The certificates include all the latest changes and the Initial Verification and Periodic Inspection updated. With the need to carry out lower voltage insulation tests to prevent possible damage to smart home devices and control systems, there’s now a column on the Schedule of Test results form to record the insulation test voltage used, usually 250V instead of 500V.
t: 01923 441717
w: www.martindale-electric.co.uk
Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provded by the company