Embracing MCPD regulations
Published: 06 July, 2018
FULTON reports that the list of applications for high quality, dry steam is almost endless. However, while many steam boilers are extremely robust, they are often inefficient because they are based on old or ageing technology. In an effort to make them more efficient, many manufacturers simply fit modulating burners and bolt on economisers in an attempt to improve both steam output and efficiency, but this often isn’t enough.
In December 2017, the MCPD was introduced to improve air quality by controlling emissions to air. It becomes effective on new installations from December 2018 and, depending on size, existing plant in 2025 and 2030.
Seen as a significant source of air pollution, medium combustion plant including gas/oil fired steam boilers are not currently regulated in the UK, but limits are now being imposed on NOx, SOx and particulate emissions, with different fuels attracting different limits.
Rather than further-improve products like its J Series to achieve these goals – and realising the implications the MCPD will have on its fuel-fired steam boiler portfolio – Fulton says it has gone back to the drawing board and, by adopting a new ‘PURE Technology’ initiative, the VSRT emerged and features a design that is durable and long-lasting, boasts higher efficiencies and reduces NOx emissions to levels that easily exceed the requirements of the MCPD. And while the requirements of the MCPD do not apply to some of its smaller models, Fulton’s new VSRT range has been designed to not only meet, but exceed the requirements set out by the new directive.
Fulton says the VSRT’s spiral-rib heat exchanger is a world first and NOx emissions for the new boiler are an ultra-low 20ppm, which means they will not only meet the 100mg/m3 NOx requirement of the MCPD, but the full range will also meet the planning requirement for new commercial developments from the City of London 2015-2020 air quality strategy, which states outputs of less than 40mgNOx/kWh.
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Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company