EEF and Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing team up to offer 4IR guidance
Published: 18 May, 2017
EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation and the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) in Cambridge will team up at a major seminar next month to offer guidance from some of the UK’s leading experts on how to become a fully digitalised manufacturing enterprise.
The event, to be held at the IfM in Cambridge on 15 June, will bring researchers, professionals and manufacturers together to learn how to tackle the challenges of adopting business strategy to digitalisation, how to transform business operations, as well as exploring the opportunities and solutions adopting 4IR has to offer for manufacturers.
Delegates will hear from a range of the IfM’s leading experts on 4IR including Professor Andy Neely and Professor Duncan Macfarlane, together with Phil Smith, Chairman of Cisco. Phil is one of the UK’s leading champions of innovation and digitalisation and launched Cisco’s British Innovation Gateway (BIG) programme, a legacy of London 2012, to spark nationwide ingenuity, ambition and growth through technology entrepreneurship
They will also be joined by EEF CEO, Terry Scuoler and EEF’s consultancy director, Martin Strutt.
The speakers will be sharing expert advice and opinion on:
• The digital future of UK manufacturing
• The opportunities 4IR will bring
• What 4IR will bring for next generation manufacturing processes, automation and connectivity and digital supply chains
Commenting, EEF Consultancy Director, Martin Strutt said:
“4IR brings with it a number of benefits to manufacturers, but not one business is the same. This seminar will give companies the chance to learn how to adopt the right solution to transform their operations, improve productivity, innovate and compete for greater customer value.”
To book places at the event visit