MAS assists Siemens in finding UK suppliers

Published:  22 October, 2015

The Government’s Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) has been assisting wind giant Siemens in its active search for UK suppliers particularly for its Hull factory on Alexandra Dock.

Paul Savvides, head of procurement UK and Ireland, Siemens Wind Power, received support from Fred Mead of the UK Government’s MAS GROW: Offshore Wind Programme in identifying suitable manufacturing companies capable of supplying a range of wind turbine blade production equipment.

Mead explains: “Ten companies were originally identified for consideration, of which seven went through the first stages of the Siemens procurement process and were subsequently invited to see the current Siemens blade factory in Aalborg, Denmark, which is being used as a template for Hull.

“Some of these companies have since been invited to tender. This is part of the drive from industry to increase UK content in the offshore wind sector and is tangible evidence that this is being achieved.”

Mead was asked by Siemens to guide SMEs which are possible tier two suppliers towards improved certification status such as ISO 9001 using GROW funding; making the companies more marketable. Fred is also identifying suitable suppliers for review by Siemens as tier one suppliers using the Green Port Business Support service and Green Port Supplier Directory.

He added: “This is a fantastic example of how we are using our connections on both sides to make a real difference to the UK’s growing offshore wind market. We have listened to Siemens to understand their requirements and then, using our knowledge of the supply base, made introductions to potential suppliers.”

Project manager for Green Port Growth Programme’s business support team, Dawn Hall, said: “The aim of the Green Port Hull supplier directory is to provide a leading industry resource to showcase the strength and depth of the local businesses. Our region has enormous breadth of engineering and marine capabilities, as well as strong and diverse supply chains to support the growing renewable energy industry.

“It’s an effective way for organisations to make business connections within industry both nationally and internationally. If you supply the renewables sector, you can create a listing for your business to enable buyers to locate and contact you.”

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