Michell Humidity Calibration Instruments ensure product quality in pharmaceutical production

Published:  25 November, 2014

Michell Instruments not only produce a comprehensive range of humidity calibration instruments and equipment, the company’s world-wide network of application engineers offer support and training in this complex field, which ensures that pharmaceutical companies get the best value for money from their investment.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have to follow rigorous standards to ensure the quality of the drugs they produce. Control of humidity during manufacture, storage and packing is vital if the final product meets all the criteria. To do this, a large number of relative humidity and moisture sensors are installed around the production facilities, performing a variety of roles in the process. One thing they all have in common is the need for regular calibration and verification.

While independent calibration laboratories provide an excellent service, for users of large numbers of humidity probes and sensors an in-house calibration laboratory is more convenient and cost-effective. Sensors can be calibrated and verified on the spot and response to requests for support can be immediate. This ensures minimum product wastage and production stoppages.

Michell Instruments’ calibration products play a key role in helping leading pharmaceutical companies satisfy their humidity calibration requirements. After specialising in humidity calibration for 40 years, Michell has unique knowledge in this field, all of which can be drawn on by busy quality managers. Lack of experience, or changes in staff, in pharmaceutical companies can easily have a detrimental effect on the efficiency of in-house calibration facilities, and in these cases it’s Michell’s expertise and high level of support that can make the difference between an under-used facility and an efficient one.

Recently, Michell’s support engineers were able to help a key player in the pharmaceutical market to reactivate their own in-house moisture calibration system after years of being left idle due to lack of experience after a change of staff. Their calibration system is now fully operational and playing a vital role in the production process by providing full traceability for in-house calibrations.

For further information:


Tel: 01353 658 000

E: uk.info@michell.com

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