Steam pressure reduction

Published:  14 May, 2014

spirax_sarco.jpgSPIRAX SARCO has launched a range of pressure-reducing microturbines that can generate electricity to reduce utility costs for steam system operators. Reported to be suitable for saturated or superheated steam, Spirax Sarco TR Steam MicroTurbines are available in two sizes, up to 700 kW. Higher electricity outputs are available on request.

A microturbine producing 300 kW of electrical power can generate cost savings of more than £150,000 per year. The greater the steam demand, the more electricity the turbine will generate and the faster the payback.

Industries with potential for using the microturbines include food and drink, chemical processing, pharmaceuticaland any facility with a pressure reduction requirement. The electricity produced can be used locally or exported and sold to the mains power grid.

t:: 01242 521361



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