Meet your energy needs – all in one day!

Published:  27 August, 2007

Covering all areas of the energy sector: energy efficient technology, energy procurement and energy management, The Energy Event has broad appeal. With its mix of educational content and an exhibition the event stands alone in that it is totally energy focused while having information to meet every need from engineers to facilities managers to finance directors. PWE previews this year's event to finds out what"s in store for visitors.

Now in its seventh year and newly re-branded, The Energy Event will take place on the 12th and 13th September 2007 at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham. The event, sponsored by British Energy is the UK’s only annual conference and exhibition solely focused on the issues of energy procurement, management and efficiency.

A major part of The Energy Event’s success over recent years has been the quality of its conference and seminar programme. This programme has been enhanced for 2007 with the addition of a new conference named Energy Insights. Aimed at directors and senior managers, the conference is split into two topic areas with day one focusing on energy procurement while day two concentrates on energy management. Speakers include Ian Pearson, MP, Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and Matthew Farrow, Head of Environment at the CBI.

The Energy Insights conference and British Energy’s seminars will address some of the major issues that are dominating the market. They include a session on Low Carbon as a dedicated briefing on the state of the market in the 'Winter Market Watch’ presentation. New energy managers will also be catered for in a session designed to give an overview of the electricity market. Stuart Hough, Head of BE (British Energy) Direct commented: "Issues like low carbon energy, market volatility and the ins and outs of energy buying are right at the top of the boardroom agenda right now. These are issues we help our customers with every day so we are well positioned to bring our expertise to a wider audience at The Energy Event.”

Other speakers delivering papers at Energy Insights include: Andy Batchelor, Director of Energy and Fuel, Tesco Stores who will be speaking on day one giving a FTSE 100 end user perspective. Other big names on the programme include an end user case study from Simon Mendham from Vodafone and William McKeever, Head of Energy Europe/MEA at Bloomberg whose paper looks at electricity trends, analysis and forecasting. Full details of the speakers can be found at:

Alongside this new conference for 2007 is the established conference and seminar programme designed and run by The Energy Event partners. These partners include: ESTA (Energy Services and Technology Association); MEUC (Major Energy Users Council); Envirowise; CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers; BCAS (British Compressed Air Society); the Energy Information Centre and Encore International. The full conference and seminar programme is available at the website mentioned above. Highlights include a Water Efficiency Workshop run by Envirowise on both days of the event and the CIBSE seminar on Thursday 13th September which covers the role of building services within the energy matrix and focuses specifically on building certification and lighting.

Certain elements of the MEUC’s two days of seminars might be of interest to readers, especially the session on the afternoon of day two which covers Phase 2 of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme featuring specific industry viewpoints. Also, the ESTA ‘Active Energy Management’ programme which runs across the two days promises to have a spread of relevant information such as a legislation session covering end-user legislation, building energy labelling and smart metering plus a session on compressed air which is presented jointly with BCAS. For those readers just embarking on energy management initiatives, a good place to start is ESTA’s Fundamentals of Energy Management seminar which looks at: Energy policy - assessing the task, gaining commitment, establishing an approach; Completing a site energy assessment and Implementing energy cost reduction programmes; support, advice, grants.

There will also be a  large number of exhibitors offering energy efficient technology and services. Technology areas such as compressed air, motors and drives are well-represented as is thermography and energy metering. For those looking at their facility as a whole the gamut of heating, lighting and air conditioning technology is represented while on the services side there are many exhibitors that offer consultancy and out-sourcing. A full list of exhibitors can be found at:

Eamonn Brennan, event director summed-up the key messages for those looking to visit The Energy Event by stating: “The event delivers an undiluted experience for today’s busy professionals, offering both insight and innovation through a content rich educational stream and over 100 key exhibitors of products and services.”

Visitors to The Energy Event can pre-register at:

It is also advisable to register for seminars and conferences in advance via the website as places are limited. Those without Internet access should call: 01342 314300.

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