Whitepaper from Elesa
Published: 13 October, 2014
“The use of Super-Technopolymer as a substitute for metal/stainless steel in standard machine components”
Elesa reports it has extensive experience in the development and use of advanced engineering plastics as alternatives to traditional metal standard components for machinery and industrial/scientific equipment. In this whitepaper Elesa UK M.D. Nigel Pritchett describes the new Super-Technopolymers used as alternatives to metal – even stainless steel – bringing with them many advantages.
Comparison is made between Super-Technopolymer vs. current Technopolymer and between Super-Technopolymer vs. metal alloys in terms of basic physical properties. The paper goes on to describe typical product classes which benefit from use of Super-Technopolymer with a breakdown of the main advantages. The whitepaper can be downloaded from www.elesanow.co.uk/Super_Technopolymer.pdf or click here to see the white paper.